Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless {ish} Wednesday - Rody

Every Daddy out there spoils their little girl. Right?!

After each road trip, Jim has been bringing something back
for Abby. Returning from Chicago, he came home with two
American Girl Bitty Baby outfits and some great PBK finds.
After the series in Boston, he came back with this.

Meet Rody. The inflatable horse that has us all intrigued.
Even Max watches as Rody grows ... and grows.

Success! Daddy does it again ...
making his little girl smile. And us laugh. A lot.

Abby's first reaction to Mama riding Rody.
Later she must have realized how silly Mama looked
because now I'm constantly being summoned to ride Rody.

Thanks Daddy! :)



Anonymous said...

Haha that's funny looking but pretty cool. Rylie would love it!

Carol said...

The way my girls love horses...Chloe would die over that thing! I must google now.

**I think you need a Rody with longer legs. LOL.