Sunday, April 11, 2010

Best Buds :)

Just before leaving Sarasota, Daddy and I had quite the photo shoot with two adorable little babies. Hmm, who could they belong to?! Abby and Chloe are just five months apart (and yes, weighing almost the same), which makes it so easy for Carol and I to hang out and do all kinds of baby stuff. It's perfect actually. Best friends having best friend babies :)

At first, Abby didn't pay any attention to Chloe since she was still a teeny two month old when they met. However, now they watch each other and play nicely together. Well maybe not play just yet, but they are on their way! Abby and I really miss our friends and can't wait to see them again, hopefully soon!

Here are a few photos from the photo shoot. These babies are just TOO CUTE!


Sue said...

Such cute pictures. Liz, Abby really looks like your dad in these photos. So sweet ;o)

Carol said...

Love Love Love it! JJ really did get the money shot with both of the girls smiling. And, that confused look...I can just see and hear Miss Becky when I look at that picture. They look so cute in their coordinating outfits. I think we should make this kind of photo shoot (before you leave every year) an annual event! We miss you guys terribly!

PS: When I was at Gymboree on Thurs soaking up their new line that has elephants in it ::dies:: I missed you somethin' fierce!