Thursday, March 29, 2012

38 weeks - Baby No. 2 :)

I honestly didn't think I'd be typing this post, but here we are at 38 weeks. 2 cm, 80% effaced but little Levi is apparently quite comfortable. Unless our sweet baby decides to come over the weekend, it looks like I will be induced on Tuesday. Yay!

Total weight gain: 32 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Mostly ... and getting tired of them ALL!
Sleep: Lately I've been so tired during the day that at night I just crash and I crash hard. Mostly great sleep! :)
Best moment of the week: Mom & Dad are here! I've been loving the company while Jim is at the ballpark and it's been great having extra hands :)
Movement: Not feeling as much ... must be running out of space in there!
Food cravings: Nothing new. Not eating as much...
Gender: Boy :)
What I miss: Energy. Regular clothes. Eating without heartburn.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Levi ... I cannot wait to hold our sweet boy.
Things I've been experiencing this week: Cramping, contractions, back ache, thirsty all the time.
Size of baby: Pumpkin


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Makes me Laugh

Abby chases Max.
Not sure I should have encouraged this, but it sure was funny.


Monday, March 26, 2012

The million dollar question is ....

Is Abby ready to be a big sister? So many people ask me this, yet I still don't know the answer. If I knew the answer for sure, I should be awarded a million dollars ... or some kind of prize at least. I'm just not so sure I can say she is or isn't ready to be a big sister.

I mean, I certainly like to think she's ready. We've been talking about Baby for months now and Abby just loves hugging me and giving Levi kisses.

We've been reading books about being a big sister and what it's like to have a little baby at home. Abby checks in Levi's crib every once in a while to see if he's magically appeared overnight or will ask, "Levi come?" A few months back, the doorbell rang and Abby sprinted to the door excitedly saying "Levi, Levi!!" Sorry to say sweetie, but it's just the mailman, Levi isn't here. just. yet.

Abby has been helping me "cook" in the kitchen, she's completely potty trained (even at night), and we've trained her to feed the dog. :) It's the little things that make her feel like she is in charge and go figure, she loves that feeling!

Abby has been really into her babies and stuffed animals lately. She dresses them, diapers them, feeds them, and puts them all down for nap time. She really is a good lil' mama, now that we've taught her not to cover the babies whole head with a mound of blankets.

I think she's ready. I hope she's ready. I'm sure gonna need her to be my big girl helper and I really think she's ready to be the best big sister. Ever. Here's hoping! :)


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Showering Levi with love :)

It's a beautiful day outside, warm with a nice breeze. Jim's at the ballpark and Lil' Miss Abby and me are cooped up inside, making our best of a lazy day. Abby's been coughing for a few days and ended up with a fever last night and this morning, with some throwing up involved. Not fun for her ... or for Mommy and Daddy for that matter. I can't stand seeing her sick and not being able to help her feel better with the quick snap of a finger. That would be nice if it worked out that way, wouldn't it?!

Anyways, Abby seems to be feeling better and is slowly eating a bit more and playing around the house. She is supposed to be having "quiet, rest time" but I think she had a sudden burst of energy. I'll take it... at least she has a smile on her face and I have some extra time to finally blog a bit.

Two Saturdays ago, friends of mine surprised me with a wonderful shower. I was told it would be the following week, so when I arrived at the restaurant for another friends "birthday lunch," I was completely shocked to see it was a shower for Baby Levi instead!

Can't you tell by these pictures just how surprised I was?
I had no clue. Nada. Zero.

Sam & Maria (in the pic above) did such a fabulous job putting the shower together. Everything was just right ... the restaurant choice (can't go wrong with Mexican cuisine), the decorations, the cupcakes, and the guests. What an amazing group of friends I have. :)

Cupcakes ... super yummy!
Tons of gifts ... of course Levi is spoiled already :)

My Gocio Girls ...
It means a lot that even though I'm not teaching anymore,
these ladies are still a huge part of my life!

(Thanks to Candice for these awesome photos!!!)

Being showered with so much love.

Baby showers are always special, especially when they are your own. It's about celebrating the life of a baby, a special baby being brought into this world out of love. Thank you to everyone who came to help me celebrate such a blessing. And a HUGE shout out to Sam & Maria, you ladies are amazing and I'm so thankful for the friendships that we have formed. Love ya!


Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day :)

I'm sure when I describe the events that took place on St. Patrick's Day, many of you will nod your head and agree you've been there. Sometimes you build something up and have everything planned out just right and then nothing goes as planned. Nothing turns out exactly how you thought it would. You've been there, right?!

Abby's school was sponsoring a Celtic Festival at a great location so naturally we decided to attend with a group of friends. It was three of us Mamas taking on four kids and one bun in the oven that is almost ready to pop. The kiddies were all dressed in matching shirts I crafted a few weeks ago. We were ready for a fun day!

Before we left the house, I asked Abby to stand still and smile for a few quick pics. Well let's just say she was way too excited to do that. She wanted to dance instead .....

Abby and Isla were sportin' the shades when we first got there. The sun was bright, it was a hot afternoon, and the event was taking place in the middle of an open field. And to think I was hoping for a bit of shade or a nice, relaxing breeze. Ha!

Then us Mamas got another bright idea of taking a group shot of the kids. Well y'all know what it's like to take a picture of two kids ... try four. They were not having it. I snapped more than a handful of shots and of course not one is even framable. But ... I must say they kind of make me laugh and afterall, they are kids being kids. It's what they do best.

Abby really wanted her face painted but each time we ended up near that tent, the line was way too long. So I promised her I would paint her face when we got home and thankfully she thought I did a great job! (it really was pathetic looking) After walking around and playing on the playground, we cooled off in the shade and ate hot dogs and drank lemonade.

Right before we called it quits, we let the kids strip down and go in the water park area. We weren't prepared with swim suits, but we had lots of sunscreen. So La went in her diaper, Abby wore her panties, and the girls had a blast. They were confined to one area and the two Mamas that were left were able to sit and chat and enjoy the rest of our (very sugary) lemonades! :)

Once you have a child, any day can be completely unpredictable. Heck, any day for anyone can be that way. You just have to roll with it... and I'm glad we stuck it out because it ended up being fun ...

Even with the heat. Long lines. Meltdowns. No nap.

And especially when the day ends like this ....

... we can say it was a great day! :)


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Birthday party fun :)

Last weekend we had such a blast celebrating the birthday of one of Abby's little buddies. Taylor turned 3 years old and had quite the party! His parents were fabulous hosts and made sure everyone at the party enjoyed themselves. And I think it's safe to say that everyone did just that!

What's not to love about a carnival themed birthday party? They had pony rides, a mini petting zoo, carnival games, face painting, a bounce house, a photo booth, and tons of carnival type foods. The weather was perfect, cooler than it had been and even though very windy, the impending storms held off until after the party was over.

Two adorable cowboys.
Birthday boy on the right & his younger brother.

Abby and Jacob. Two peas in a pod!

Seriously, could these two be any cuter?

Little Miss Abby was thrilled to see her pink butterfly :)

Out of everything, Abby loved the bounce house the best. She jumped around the majority of the party, stopping long enough to eat the yummy cake. Within minutes of the car ride home, she was fast asleep ... tired out from all the fun we had. And to me, that's a true sign of a perfect party. :)


Friday, March 16, 2012

36 weeks - Baby No. 2 :)

Total weight gain: 28 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Mostly. Still living in Target non maternity tanks ... just on a rotation :)
Sleep: Each night varies. Last night was great. The night before, not so much ...
Best moment of the week: Finding out that Levi is getting ready to make his grand entrance into this world! At my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Same exact numbers as when I was pregnant with Abby at 36 weeks. Of course, that can mean any day or a few weeks still, but Dr. T doesn't think I'll make it to April. :)
Movement: Feeling jabs and some uncomfortable kicks. Not feeling as much movement, which always makes me nervous.
Food cravings: Nothing new or too exciting.
Gender: Boy :)
What I miss: Energy... and sadly, I won't be having much of this for the next several months to come!
What I'm looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Wednesday & of course meeting our sweet boy.
Things I've been experiencing this week: Cramping, contractions, back ache, always hot and very thirsty.
Size of baby: Coconut


Thursday, March 8, 2012

35 weeks - Baby No. 2 ;)

A weekly update just wouldn't be the same without
these cheesy self portraits :)

Total weight gain: 26 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Mostly, although lately I've been living in Target tanks. No need for maternity since they are extra long :)
Sleep: Still hit or miss. The last few nights have been really great, minus the potty breaks :)
Best moment of the week: I was completely surprised on Saturday with a baby shower for Levi. My friends are amazing ... which requires a whole separate post for this special day!
Movement: Kicks that used to tickle and make me smile are now turning into painful jabs that make me flinch.
Food cravings: No new ones. Still lovin' sweets and quite sad we are out of Thin Mints.
Gender: Boy :)
What I miss: Certain clothes. I'm starting to rotate between the same outfits.
What I'm looking forward to: My appointment next week ... I'm curious to know if any changes are happening ;)
Things I've been experiencing this week: Lower back pain, right leg numbness at times, and more Braxton Hicks.
Size of baby: Butternut Squash
