Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can't believe it... 5 months old!

I simply cannot believe Abby turned 5 months old yesterday. How is that possible?! She is still amazing us with every coo, smile, and laugh and I'm loving my new camera that is able to capture so many of these cherished moments.
Abby is trying to do so many new things these days. She is still working on rolling over from back to tummy, she can sit up more with our support, and she loves playing with her toys. It's so fun just watching her take in the world around her. Abby loves to be outside, so any chance we get, we pack up what we need and head to a park. She just started swinging in the baby swing and she likes to swing with me too!
I took little Miss Abby to the doctor's this morning... I know, I know, anything out of the ordinary and I'm at the doctors before you can snap your fingers. Since Friday, she has had diarrhea on and off, but with no fever. Anyway.. took her in and she has a viral infection that will go away on its own. Dr. Meyer gave us some probiotics which will give her immune system a boost. Of course, Abby just laughed and smiled at him the whole time and he said "She is not a sick baby!" Glad to know she's okay and at least I got her weight.... 14 pounds 4 ounces!

Abby's BIG smile :)
Times like these make Mommy's heart melt.


Sue said...

So adorable and getting SO big!! She loves that camera too ;)

Carol said...

That smile is so stinkin' cute! She is a happy baby!

Michelle & Jimmy Rivas said...

Liz, Abby is so adorable! I'm glad she's feeling better! Hope you see you both soon! Jonah misses his girlfriend :)!