Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mommy's Photo Shoot

Yesterday Abby and I had some free time to just hang out together. We spent a lot of time playing in her nursery, looking at all the colors, playing with some new toys, and having a mini photo shoot! She is such a fun baby in the morning - take a look at how big she is getting! :)

After the busy morning, Abby and I had a playdate with Baby Jonah, who is just a week older than Abby. It was wonderful to finally meet Michelle's baby, since we were both pregnant at the same time. We were constantly sharing pregnancy stories about heartburn, nausea, and kicks to the ribs. Both babies came early and here we are having playdates! Jonah and Abby shared the playmat for a bit .... Abby kept trying to hit Jonah. (not on purpose of course!) I guess we need to teach her early to keep her hands to herself! Playtime didn't last too long, both of the babies needed their naps! It was a fun time talking to Michelle and sharing mommy stories. Abby and I are looking forward to our next playdate! :)

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