Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Random Thanks!

Today is an absolutely gorgeous Florida "winter" day... Sun is shining, slight breeze in the air, and it's actually on the chilly side. Did I just say chilly? Hmm, it's 68 degrees ... do you think my blood has thinned out? :)

I decided today that I was long overdue for a thankful post. Easier to blog right now since both kids are napping... And yes, you read that right. I guess our morning activities wore them out! I'm worn out too.... After all, we had playtime at the house, story and music time at the library, Chic-Fil-A lunch/play, and Levi's physical therapy appointment. Phew!

So before my "quiet time" runs out... Here are some things I'm thankful for today!

1. Pure Barre - I am soooooo thankful to have found a workout I enjoy. I have NEVER looked forward to exercising before..... Ever. It is such a wonderful outlet for me and I feel super lucky to have found the importance of "me time."

2. Levi's physical therapy - Although most days I dread going to his actual appointments, I'm happy to see that progress is being made. Slow but steady... He is doing just awesome!

3. Children's Ministry at church - I recently was asked to join the Children's Ministry Team at church and am really excited about joining this group of ladies. I'm brainstorming ways for the preschool aged children to come together outside of church and Sunday school. I'm thinking its never to early to teach these children about helping others, the needs of other people, and acts of kindness. I'm hoping we can organize something where young children can make a difference, no matter how small.

4. Super Bowl - Looking forward to some fun this Sunday! :)

5. Family bike rides - As I already mentioned, the weather here has been perfect lately. Abby is now riding her bike like an old pro so it's been really nice taking family bike rides together.

6. Decisions made - We know where we will be living this baseball season and have enrolled the kids in a school for three days a week. It feels good knowing that I will be able to catch a break this season!!!!

7. Abby's desire to learn - It sure makes it easy to work on numbers, letters, writing..... And she is really doing a great job!

8. Girl time - Nails, pedis, lunch dates, and shopping. Love my girlfriends :)

9. Pinterest - I've had so much fun finding new recipes to try. I think it's safe to say I've done way more cooking than usual this offseason. I love that I have the time to do it now because during the season I can't get nearly as creative.

10. Dark chocolate covered raisins. Yum!

Hope y'all have a Thankful Thursday! I'll post some pics SOON!!


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