Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thankful Thursday :)

Today I'm thankful for ....

1. This beautiful weather. The last three days have been unbearably hot ... I'm talking Florida HOT and we aren't even there! It's been in the mid 90's with a heat index of 105. Today it's still warm, but with a refreshing breeze. Absolutely perfect!

2. The hubs got home late last night (or early this morning however you wanna look at it) from a West Coast road trip. It's so nice having him home and Abby is just over the top happy to have her Daddy here to play!

3. Patience. I'm getting better. For my ladies bible study group, I've memorized a verse this week to help me get through times when I become impatient with Abby, the dog, or stressful situations. Hooray for memorization - having this verse in my head is a huge help!

"Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. " Psalm 37

4. Emily's (my niece) dance recital tonight. I haven't been able to make one of her recitals in a reallllllly long time and I'm so looking forward to see her get her groove on!! Go Em!! :)

5. Neighbors here in Baltimore. Meeting people while we are at our home away from home. It makes us feel welcome and happy to be where we are!

6. Zac Brown Band and Kenny Chesney concert this weekend to celebrate my sister's 40th birthday! What better way to celebrate with great music, cutie Zac Brown, and backstage passes. Happy Birthday Heather! Thankful for Gramma & Grandad for babysitting :)

What are you thankful for today? Take a minute to thank God for what He has done in your life. :)


1 comment:

Carol said...

What a great Thankful list. I hope you guys really enjoy the concert...well, I know you'll enjoy it! Take some pictures so I can feel like I was there :)

I'm going to have to memorize that verse...although I have an abnormal amount of patience, I still lose it :)