I still can't believe that Abigail turned 11 months old yesterday. It seems like it was just yesterday when Abby turned 6 months and I wanted time to stand still, yet here we are five months later. Next month is really gonna hit me hard, when we celebrate the big first birthday!
Abby has become quite mobile these days. She is crawling much faster and gets into anything and everything. She is now cruising along the furniture and can get in and out of her Pottery Barn chair all by herself, wearing a huge grin to show us how proud she is.
I say this a lot, but Abby is such a happy baby. She smiles all the time and at anyone who crosses her path. Strangers at the grocery store just stop and laugh out loud because Abby smiles from ear to ear and waves at each shopper that passes by. It's hilarious. Her personality is really starting to shine and I am so thankful to call this sweet baby ours!
Sweet Abby Grace, at 11 months you are:
~smiling with your two bottom teeth, no others just yet
~crawling much faster and cruising along furniture
~pulling up on everything
~getting in and out of your Pottery Barn chair by yourself
~still saying "Da-Da", no "Ma-Ma" yet
~raising your hands up and outwards as if saying "I don't know...."
~dancing to any music you hear and it makes us laugh so much!
~recognizing many words (dog, bottle, baby, bird, look, book)
~wearing size 4 diapers
~drinking 4 bottles a day (still formula, usually 6-8 oz. morning/night and 3-4 oz. daytime)
~eating solids 3 times a day
~napping twice a day and sleeping 11 hours at night
~disliking car rides, STILL.
Love this post Liz! I can't wait to celebrate Abigail's birthday with you guys (see- a benefit to you being down here right now!) I can't believe she was up in Max's window! Too funny. These are great pictures and great memories she will have forever because of this blog of yours.
That last picture is awesome, it's a little over-exposed, but it's still good. I can't believe she'll be one next month! And, the kicker, is that year #2, goes by twice as fast as year 1...mostly because you are better rested :)
Happy 11 months! Almost a year! I love the last picture!! She looks like a little toddler! So cute!
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