Our baseball journey brought us back to Baltimore a couple weekends ago. A city where it all started and became a reality for the hubs. It's been home for him, and for our family for a long time now. Going back felt a little weird, especially wearing green and gold. And for the record, we wore a lot of it!
Camden Yards is a special place and will always feel like "home" to us. We were welcomed back by staff, players and families, and the fans in the stands. It was amazing! There were a few times when not even realizing it, I cheered for the O's. Just comes naturally I guess ... even for the kids. Abby asked if it was okay to cheer for Mr. Nick ... of course, Abby... we'll always cheer on our friends. (unless it's the World Series) :)
It was extra special catching up with such friends from Baltimore. Abby and Levi were beyond excited to play with their baseball buddies that they have been missing! In a sense, these kids have all grown up together since they were babies. It was also great to catch up with our Hines family friends and perfect timing since they head out on their next adventure VERY soon!
Of course my family came to the games, which always makes it more fun! Levi was in his happy place, even more so because Grandad was there. Levi sat on his lap as my Dad explained the game of baseball to him. The boy is infatuated with the sport and everything about it. He had so much fun that it wore him out, literally.
After our fun weekend in the city, it was time to head down to the country for a visit with Gramma and Grandad. The kids love it there - chickens, tractors, a porch, a hammock .... keeps them busy for hours. Of course, they love being spoiled too - ice cream anyone?!
Racing cozy coupes on the porch, bowling, and playground fun. We also managed to get into the old Halloween costume box and into my old Barbies. Tons of FUN!
We also took a trip to Build-A-Bear while we were there. This was a big deal because Levi officially became BINKY free!! The transition was started back home in Florida with the "Binky Box," where Levi was only able to have his binky at nap and bedtime. When he woke up, he would put his binky back in the box until next time. Then our trip came ... and the Binky Box stayed in Florida. And surpisingly, Levi didn't seem to mind. The first two nights he asked for it, but easily went to bed without it! Woo HOO!! Now Levi has a cute little doggie that HE made and can snuggle with him instead. :)
The first part of our summer adventure was so much fun ... here's to the rest of our journey!!