I've always loved Valentine's Day. As a kid I looked forward to decorating Valentine boxes and swapping Valentine cards with my classmates. Not sure what the excitement was all about but I
loved it - and the fact that sweet treats were involved probably helped. Y'all know I have a sweet tooth, so that should be no surprise. :)
As I got older, the day was extra special because I was able to share it with the hubs. He of course thinks it's a made up holiday (like
most men) but for me it's so nice to be told how loved you are. In the daily mix of shuffling children around, cleaning, cooking, and dealing with sibling disputes, it's nice to hear how loved and appreciated you are. So for me, it's not about the chocolates or the flowers (although they
are nice), but more about the love.
And I hope to spread that love with our children ....
Abby made sweet treats for her classmates this year, which she thought was extra special. Something so easy, but another sweet way to show appreciation for such wonderful friendships.
Of course, Abby was pumped about her Frozen Valentine's that Mommy put together for her and her friends. Levi handed out baseball cards for his little buddies.
The night before Valentine's Day, I decorated their place settings at the table for a special breakfast the next morning. The kids woke up to balloons, confetti fun pancakes, and a little basket of goodies.
My two little Valentine's ... the best ever!
In the morning, I volunteered in Abby's classroom. They enjoyed special treats, swapped Valentine's cards, and did some VDay activities. Super cute kids ... her class definitely knows how to show love and appreciation for each other. They are all such sweet friends.
In other Valentine's news, the Johnson family is back to saying "see you soon" to the man of the house on this day. Spring training always starts around this day and this year, Jim left for Arizona early that morning. It was a sad, hard goodbye - just like always. You would think it be easier by now, but instead it feels like it just keeps getting harder.
We're in a good routine now, still missing Daddy but doing our thing and having fun! And thank goodness for FaceTime. Technology helps us stay connected, especially with the kids. They love talking to Daddy and being able to see him.
Hope you had someone special to shower with love! xoxo