Friday, October 19, 2012

One month later ...

A little over a month ago I was having many mixed emotions about Levi wearing the helmet.  I knew he'd adjust well, but I was missing my head snuggles and upset by people's reactions to seeing a baby in a helmet.  

If you were to ask me now about whether or not we made the right decision, I wouldn't hesitate to say "absolutely."  Levi has adjusted extremely well.  It doesn't phase him in the slightest.  In fact, when we take the helmet off for the hour at night, he rubs his head and pulls at his hair ... almost like he is missing something there.  I look at him without even noticing that he has the helmet on.  It's just become part of him, part of us.  When people stare I have to think about it for a second, forgetting why they might be checking out my baby.  Then I remember ... 

It's amazing to see how Levi's head has changed in just a short amount of time.  From the top of his head, you can tell that it has really rounded itself out.  From the back, you can also notice the changes, but we still have some work to do.  His ears still aren't aligned correctly, but over the next few months will hopefully become more symmetrical with one another.

We are still continuing physical therapy once a week to treat his torticollis.  Levi's muscles in his neck are still weak, causing the head to tilt.  The tilt is the most difficult thing to correct, but we are working hard at fixing it!  Levi will also start seeing a pediatric chiropractor next week in hopes to have additional help.

Our next helmet recheck is coming up in a week.  I'm looking forward to seeing the scans of how much his head has changed.  Hopefully we don't have too much longer to go, but whatever the time length is ... we're ready to do it.  :)


2 comments: said...

Wow, what a difference in just a month. Andrew hasn't worn his in 2 days because he has a bad rash on his forehead. I feel so bad. I guess it's a heat rash and a little bit of eczema. I need to take a before pic though. I totally forgot to do that.

Thanks for the encouragement! I know you understand what I am going through too :)

WeeMason's Mom said...

That's such a HUGE difference!!! Yay!!!